Volunteer With Us


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The Campus Collective Centre is open to everyone. We offer the opportunity for the campus community to meet new people, discuss, and organize within our space. The Centre hosts educational workshops and promotes issues relevant to the University of Lethbridge and surrounding communities. In addition to our regular programming, we offer peer to peer counselling, free condoms, menstrual products, lube, dental dams, and a wide variety of on and off-campus information. We are located in SP150 at the University of Lethbridge in-between the Students Union Building and the 1st Choice Savings Centre on Level 1. Our hours are Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm, but message us at any time on our socials and we will respond when we are able!


  1. Peer to peer active listening and mentor-ship: Peer to peer active listening and mentorship offers an easily accessible, confidential and relatively informal opportunity to talk through issues which may be concerning you. Sometimes just talking things through is enough; sometimes it may lead you to seek more professional help. It is important to emphasise that peer supporters are not counsellors and, where appropriate, they may encourage you to seek more formal support through the University of Lethbridge Counselling Services (http://www.uleth.ca/counselling/contact/ 403-317-2845)
    Peer Counsellors: Who are we? Like you, we are University of Lethbridge students who need support in helping us overcome personal challenges. Our shared experience can help us understand, support and encourage you in what you are going through. We have been trained to listen and provide informal emotional support to assist you in achieving your goals. If you are interested in applying to become a Peer Counsellor, please email or drop off your resume at the Centre. Please include your availability as this position requires a minimum of 3 hours a week and you must attend one of our two training sessions.
  2. Sex-Positive Resources: The Collective Centre is a sex-positive space. We want everyone to be empowered with the support and information necessary to make the decisions that feel right for you. We provide free condoms, lube, dental dams, pregnancy tests and sex information; including information on consent, and sexual violence. We also provide free menstrual products.
  3. Information: The Campus Collective Centre has active partnerships with a number of groups both on and off campus. We provide information about services offered by these other community groups as well as partner with them for a number of events that are focused on women’s interests and issues. Whether it’s sexual health, family services, youth programs, career services, peer support, or the best places to get coffee, we have you covered.
  4. Applied Studies: The Applied Studies program allows students to earn course credit for learning gained through paid or volunteer employment related to their field of study. Applied Studies provides an opportunity to develop & demonstrate these qualifications by integrating principles learned in the classroom with practical situations in placements. The Centre is always looking to facilitate students interests and dreams for course credit - we would love to work with you. Find out more about applied studies at http://www.uleth.ca/artsci/applied-studies 
  5. Collective Member: If you are interested in having a very hands-on role, working as a team, and contributing your ideas to a great organization, then this is the position for you! The Women’s Centre is a non-hierarchical organization. Our Collective is a non-heirarchical equivalent to a Board of Directors and it makes all of our decisions. The Collective meets once a month to plan events, direct financial spending, and ensure the Centre’s operation. The time commitment is approximately 2-6 hours a month.

The Campus Collective Centre is always looking for volunteers, but right now due to pandemic our opportunities to provide volunteer hours is limited. Stay up to date with volunteer opportunities, peer counsellor training and events by joining our mailing list or sign up as a volunteer now by filling out the form below.